Professional Portal

Give your candidates insight into data, documents and ongoing procedures. The Carerix Professional Portal allows candidates to keep their own profile up-to-date and register their working hours. The Professional Portal offers various functionalities that contribute to a more efficient management of candidates.

Profile managed by candidate

The Professional Portal allows candidates to update their own profiles. They can update their personal information, add work experience and education, indicate availability and upload recent resumes. This gives candidates control over their own data and ensures recruiters always have access to the most up-to-date information.

Easy time registration

Candidates can easily record their work hours through the portal. This ensures accurate and efficient processing of timesheets. The timesheets are linked to placements and rates, allowing the system to check automatically for compliance. This saves time and reduces the risk of errors.

Document management

The Professional Portal allows candidates to upload and view relevant documents. This includes resumes, work experience, certificates and other important documents. Documents are organized by type, making both uploading and downloading easy and convenient.

Reports and insights

Kandidaten kunnen verschillende rapportages genereren. Dit geeft hen waardevolle inzichten in hun eigen gegevens en prestaties. Het systeem ondersteunt diverse soorten rapportages, waardoor kandidaten en recruiters altijd toegang hebben tot de informatie die ze nodig hebben, bijvoorbeeld een vakantieoverzicht.

Privacy and security

Streamline your recruitment process with the Carerix Professional Portal. Candidates can easily manage their privacy settings and submit requests directly from the portal where the privacy statement is clearly displayed. Recruiters manage everything from Carerix, while candidates log in via the portal. This way, all parties are always working with the same up-to-date information. Want to see how this can help your organization? Then request a demo quickly.

See our solution work for you?

Request a demo and see how Carerix can work for you. Based on your workflow and our wide experiences we will give you a demo in person or online. We will also take you through the technological developments for recruitment.