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27 September 2016
Video pitching in Belgium – very HOT
By Mark Bassie (Flex-Beheer)
The latest addition to this series involved speaking to one of Carerix’s Belgian customers, House Of Ta!ents (HOT).
House of Ta!ents is a large and prominent Belgian recruitment agency, which profiles itself as an expert in hard-to-fill jobs and is renowned for its ‘Success is an attitude’ slogan.
For the past two years, they have been one of the only Belgian agencies to implement live and automatic video recruitment. They are doing this using an integrated video solution provided by Cammio, which is one of Carerix’s Dutch partners.
What can the solution be used for and how does it interact with the Carerix platform?
User: House of Ta!ents
House of Ta!ents has 5 offices in Belgium: Kortrijk, Brussels, Antwerp, Beveren-Waas and Liege. They specialise in hard-to-fill jobs and bundle their expertise into eight different Ta!ents, which jointly employ more than 500 people:
- Sales Ta!ents: recruitment and se lection, interim solutions, project sourcing and the assessment of sales profiles.
- Care Ta!ents: project staffing for nurses, recruitment & selection and interim solutions for care professionals and HR consultancy in the care sector.
- Financial Ta!ents: recruitmen t and selection, project sourcing and interim management for financial talent.
- HR Ta!ents: recruitment and selectio n, project sourcing and interim management, assessments, coaching and training for HR specialists.
- Executive Ta!ents: direct sea rch and interim managers at board and management level.
- BTS Food: interim solutions, recruitme nt and selection of experienced and qualified personnel exclusively for the butchery sector.
- BTS Home: service provider that specia lises in supplying professional cleaning support to private persons and companies.
- Next ICT: project sourcing of specialised IT consultants to companies.
Profile enrichment
My first question is: “What can you actually do with these video possibilities?”. The main use seems to be ‘profile enrichment’. Traditional CV’s are often a boring summary of diplomas and experience, which offer little insight into people’s personalities and attitudes. Video can be very useful on this front and can also appeal to candidates because it gives them a better insight and feel for their potential future employer.
House Of Ta!ents uses Cammio in three different ways to make the recruitment process between clients and candidates faster and more efficient:
- Online preliminary interviews, which makes a (major) difference to candidates in terms of travel time.
- Pre-programmed interviews, where candidates answer a few questions that have been recorded in advance.
- Video pitches, where candidates are invited to record a short video to present themselves effectively and professionally.
Working with Cammio in the Carerix platform allows House Of Ta!ents to reduce time and improve efficiency. However, it also allows them to catch the eye with this innovative and dynamic method in their traditional market, where a lot of things are still arranged via the phone or face-to-face.
“Smartphones have revealed the power of video to the general public” says Walter Hueber, CEO of The Hague-based Cammio. Carerix was their very first business partner, and the decision was no coincidence. “Carerix employs people who, just like us, believe in the strength of partnerships. They have a very good API interface and user interface, which made them the ideal partner for our first collaboration.”.
Because the latest generations have grown up in a digital era with Facebook friends and professional LinkedIn profiles, they are normally quick to adapt to this new way of working. However, older generations, who are not accustomed to profiling themselves in this manner, need more time to find their feet. Thankfully, candidates can practice as often as they like in advance, before eventually submitting the perfect video presentation.
Future possibilities
“What will the future bring when it comes to video applications?
According to Pieter Claeys, Operations Manager at House Of Ta!ents, and Walter Hueber, we can expect this to include support for assessment centres which tend to focus on traditional written and verbal approaches. In this case, a funnel of candidates will be created, where people present themselves and communicate via online video, and are then selected and tested using the same technology.
Big data could also provide new applications for this video method. What if it was possible to compare a candidate’s video with those of thousands of other people, so certain conclusions could be made about candidate suitability? Although this may sound a little futuristic, it offers countless new opportunities for partnerships between Carerix and Cammio, as well as users such as House of Ta!ents. Furthermore, you have to continue innovating if you want to remain a front-runner.