
Getnoticed has been the Dutch Digital Recruitment Agency for over ten years. “So what do you do, then?” is a question they get asked frequently. It’s simple. They help clients with two things: reach and conversion. The online recruitment marketeers create, reach, and activate the target audience that the client needs. The web builders produce ultimate recruitment websites to let the concerned audience respond.

Collaboration with Carerix

landing page and mobility website must be set optimally for you to be successful in recruitment. Beside a good converting website, Getnoticed makes sure your website is provided with all technical specs, like couplings and traffic sources, ATS, analytics platforms and recruitment tools.

Online Recruitment Marketing

Who’s your target audience? Are they actively or latently searching? Are you targeting job boards, social media and/or Google? Online recruitment marketing is about defining the right target audience and candidate journey. The eventual goal: the right conversion for your recruitment goals. By gaining insight into all relevant data, they know exactly where they come from, what they cost and how they move. This way, marketing can be produced and optimized.

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Request a demo and see how Carerix can work for you. Based on your workflow and our wide experiences we will give you a demo in person or online.