• Carerix grows with you
  • All communication from one platform
  • Find the best match Smart Recruitment

Smart Recruitment Technologies

A suitable solution for every type of business.

Carerix Recruitment Software aligns with your situation and business needs.
Is your organization growing? Carerix grows with you.

Recruitment and Selection

When you attract candidates for your clients, you’ll use different recruitment techniques. You’ll set up recruitment campaigns, search your database and LinkedIn network you’ve built, and you’re actively sourcing new candidates for your jobs. With Carerix, you can streamline all these processes within 1 system, with a clear overview of all the running procedures.

Read more about Recruitment and Selection about Recruitment and Selection


With our solutions for staffing, your process goes a lot further than the placement. Beside our functionalities for recruitment, you can expand with contract management, document management, time registration and invoicing integrated with your payroll or finance program to support the entire process.

Read more about Staffing about Staffing

Temp Recruitment

Set up recruitment campaigns and quickly follow up on applicants. Make active use of your own database with advanced search technology and lead generation from one system. Organize your talent pools and contact moments with our CRM-functionalities and automize repetative tasks. High volumes in less time with specific processes? Streamline the flex process with Carerix as your front-office-system, integrated with your back-office, payroll, or billing software.

Read more about Temp Recruitment about Temp Recruitment

Corporate Recruitment

With the Corporate Recruitment Suite, you’re bringing in the complete support for you and your team, completely adjustable to your work process. Easily shift between candidates, hiring managers and suppliers through email, WhatsApp, and portals, from one system. You can integrate your HR-system for onboarding, and with our dashboards and reports you gain insight into your time-to-hire, to improve processes.

Read more about Corporate Recruitment about Corporate Recruitment

Tips for choosing a recruitment system »

A good ATS or recruitment system is a valuable resource for your organization and makes the work of a recruiter a lot faster and more effective. A good system will of course meet your needs, but there are a number of points that are really important when choosing a recruitment system. Still unsure about your choice? In this whitepaper we give you a number of tips that you should pay attention to when purchasing a recruitment system or ATS.

Download the Whitepaper


As a specialist in the field of technical staff, we have a lot of experience with different CRM systems. Carerix is the perfect match because we can easily customize the system to our needs.

When we need advice the professionals at Carerix support us with any question. We think Carerix is an excellent partner and we are very satisfied with the cooperation.

We are one of the fastest growing start-ups in the construction, real estate and engineering sectors, and Carerix is a professional partner that offers excellent support when realising our ambitions. This not only involves customising and maintaining the CRM package, but also offering new tools and improving our work process.

Due to Carerix, our consultants, recruiters and support services can fully focus on their core business: creating a match between demand and supply. We regard Carerix as a pleasant and professional business partner.

Quality, efficiency and convenience are what Carerix gives us. The package continues to surprise us with useful tools and insights that can also be expanded to our own wishes. An absolute must have!

Before, during and after the smooth migration, the Carerix team is always ready and will quickly provide you with an answer, explanation or solution. With the many possibilities that the package offers, this is a valuable asset for Dinel and we will certainly see the beneficial results.

Through the implementation of Carerix combined with the corresponding career pages, we are able to structure our recruitment and selection process across the entire group. Good candidates are no longer lost, the processes within the different companies have been simplified, and the system is GDPR compliant. With the highly professional guidance of one of the business consultants and the flexibility of the system, the implementation was quickly and efficiently completed within the set deadlines, despite working from a remote work situation.

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